Access Old Ticket System & Old Extensions

Points and Rewards


This app used to give rewards points to user.User can use that points for purchase.

Abandoned Carts


Abandoned Carts app allows store owners to track customer order details, including customer names, emails, and cart items, providing insights into incomplete orders.

Advanced Vairable


The advanced variable is an extension to the variable product. With a variable product, the options added to it are considered only as variants.

Upload file in checkout


Allow customers to upload one or more files during the order. The app will come in handy for store owners selling products like printed materials.

Additional Terms


The app allows you to add an additional terms and conditions at the checkout steps

Group Products


This app allows store owner to combine the products and sell it as one group product.

Add to User Group


The Purpose of this app is to add the users to the user group for selected order status and product selected groups.

Quantity Dropdown


This app allows your store to update the price of a product based on quantity in the product page itself.

Bundle Products


This app allows store owner to combine the products and sell it as one single product.

Custom Tabs


You can create any number of tabs to display in the product page. You can enter any type of content like features, video, and more.